

This tag is associated with 3 posts


Evening all! 🙂 Having a quiet night tonight as I’ve gotta get up early tomorrow for a make up course I’m attending. (I’m looking forward to it as I’ve never gone to this type of course before; when it comes to makeup application everything I’ve learnt is from experience, youtube, magazines and blogs! ;))

Sometimes I’ll try out a couple of products that have the same intended function. As such I thought it might be more useful to readers if I review both of the products in the same post, which would make it easier for people to decide, which if any of the products would suit them best! Hence “compare the pair”! In these reviews I will not give a “beautiful rating”, but will tally the points that I assign to each product. 🙂 (Hope this makes sense!)


I like to use a day cream with SPF every morning, no matter if it is sunny or raining outside, due to the strong Aussie sun. I’d been using Nivea Visage’s Q10 Anti Wrinkle Day Cream (Light) for a while but by chance, tried Olay’s Complete Defence: Daily UV Moisturising Lotion (Sensitive) when it was on sale, and continue to use the Olay product now. Here are my thoughts….

Price range: the Nivea product usually retails between $16 and close to $20 AUD, depending on where you buy it, whilst the Olay is around $15 (but was even cheaper when I bought it! +1 to Olay

Where can I get it? both products are available at Priceline, Chemist Warehouse, and similar, but you cannot get the “light” version of the Nivea product at supermarkets. +1 to Olay

The “light” version of the Nivea cream is designed for those with combination to oily skin, as the standard formulation is quite a heavy cream probably best for dry and/or mature skin. It has a nice consistency and is easily absorbed, but tends to leave my skin a bit shiny. It has a fairly neutral smell and has an SPF of 15. I would tend to recommend this one, despite the “light” category, to young women with dry skin rather than to women with oily skin.

The Olay product is SPF 30, also has a nice consistency and absorbs quickly, and was nowhere near as shiny as the Nivea. It does not have any particular fragrance, as I picked up the one for sensitive skin (which my skin can be at times!)

+1 to Olay for those with combination to oily skin; + 1 to Nivea if you have dry skin… and a bonus +1 to Olay for having a better SPF rating.

In terms of packaging the Nivea product is a jar which means you can get every last bit of the product out to use. The Olay is in a fancy pump pack (which even has a twist lock so you can take it travelling without any problems :)) which is nice but would make it harder to get the last few drops out. +1 to Nivea

If we look at how much product you get for your money, however, there’s 75mL in the Olay product whilst there is only 50mL in the Nivea equivalent. +1 to Olay

Total scores – 5 for Olay and 2 to Nivea

~*~ The winner is Olay Complete Defence! 🙂 ~*~

Unsurprisingly. after having tried the Olay product I plan to keep buying it rather than the Nivea one in the future!


PS. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! to those in North America. It is not celebrated in Australia so I don’t quite understand the “black Friday” stuff that’s being mentioned at the moment?!

PPS. Sorry to those on my email subscription list who received a draft version of my Nutrimetics post in their inbox earlier this week, rather than the final version. (I’d accidentally hit “publish” rather than “save draft” – embarrassing! *blush*)

PPPS. If you’re enjoying the blog be sure to like my facebook page or follow me on twitter for updates! 🙂

thalgo collagen cream

Hope everyone’s been having a good day!

Was walking around during my lunch break today and I saw that BIG W has some great discounts on a variety of beauty products at the moment, including most of the Garnier product range (body lotions were 1/2 price!); Australis and Palmer’s were also discounted. I was extremely tempted to buy some stuff but I’ve already got heaps (but can you ever have enough? LOL! ;-)).

Coles supermarkets also have their latest free beauty magazine out today, which has some handy how tos in it but does focus only on products Coles sells! What I do like about it, however, is that it’s not bad for a free read and it also caters to guys with articles focusing on products specifically aimed at men.

Okie dokies, what am I reviewing today? Another facial moisturiser!

You might have read my previous Thalgo review, in which I found the moisturiser was very good but did leave my skin a teeny bit dry. Well, I fed this back to my beauty therapist and she switched to Thalgo’s Collagen Cream: Hydration – First Wrinkles. Here are my thoughts (aside from the fact that when I read “first wrinkles” on the jar and on the free sample I was given to take home, it kinda hit home that I’m certainly getting older *cue mini moment of panic!!!!* ;-))…

thalgo collagen cream image

Price range: Again I’ve seen this range from $40.00 ish AUD online through to much more at beauty salons.

Where can I buy it? Certified Thalgo stockists (usually beauty salons) and online.

Like the Energising Vitality Cream, this moisturiser has a natural and neutral scent which does not irritate my skin. The consistency is again somewhere between a cream and lotion, and it rapidly absorbs into the skin. A small amount goes a long way, which I always appreciate with pricey products! When testing the sample I again used it at night and took note of my skin’s texture in the morning. Woohoo there was no excess oil, and no dryness at all! I think I have found the perfect moisturiser for me!!!!!!

(I should point out that all the Thalgo stuff I have tested at night rather than in the day because it has not contained any SPF. I’m a bit cheeky as my beauty therapist recommends I not use SPF products on my face at all due to my skin type and its risk of breakouts at times, but I cannot resist – I’m afraid of looking like a lizard otherwise as the Aussie sun is extremely strong!)

As this product mentions “first wrinkles” this one is for those in their late 20s through to probably early 30s, but don’t take my word for it as this time my beauty therapist did not tell me much about it! At the time of writing this I could not see a lot of detail on the Thalgo website either which is disappointing.

In my view I would strongly recommend this one for those who are at the stage where they may be starting to get a fine line here or there and want a moisturiser that does not leave the skin oily nor underhydrate.

Beautiful rating: quality 5/5, value 5/5

thalgo energising vitality cream

Yessssss…. it’s Friday! Hope everyone’s making the most of their Friday night. 🙂 I’ve felt a bit brain and body fried this week so it’s a night in for me, but that’s ok!

Well I have a confession to make… I am a big big big BIG fan of Thalgo products!!! I love to treat myself with professional facials when I can afford it (which at the moment works out to once every 2 months 😦 but I realise that’s better than not at all), and the salon that I go to uses only Thalgo and Dermalogica products.

Based on my skin type (which is combination skin but also delicate – no heavily perfumed stuff on my face and I have to be very careful with products containing vitamin C), my beauty therapist has chosen Thalgo for my facials.

Anyway, one of the things I like when I get a facial is that they give me free samples to take home! 🙂 Here I review one that was given to me when I first started getting facials and they were working out what was best for me – Thalgo’s Energising Vitality Cream, which is a moisturiser.

thalgo logo

Price range: I’ve seen this range from $40.00 ish AUD online through to much more at beauty salons.

Where can I buy it? Certified Thalgo stockists (usually beauty salons) and online. Be careful when buying online kids as it may not be the genuine product!

This product has a natural and neutral scent which does not irritate my skin. Its consistency is somewhere between a cream and lotion, and your skin will just drink it up! (It rapidly absorbs.) When I tried this cream I used it at night and my skin still felt good when I woke up the next day. However I did notice that whilst there was no excess oil, parts of my skin were a teeny bit dry.

This particular product is apparently designed for younger skin, which I take to mean skin =/<30 years of age (no offence is intended to anyone over 30… after all, I’m around this mark myself!). The marine ingredients included are good for balancing out any excess oil.

Go for this one if you have younger skin with combination to oily features and feel like a splurge – you deserve it! 🙂

Beautiful rating: quality 5/5, value 5/5 (if you got it for a good price!)

For more information: The Australian Thalgo official site was down when I was typing this up but their international site is at if you would like to read more about their products.

A site which has even more and better detail (at least, in my opinion!) is not an official website but here:

Haveagoodweekend all! 🙂


May 2024




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