
hair wax

This tag is associated with 2 posts

tigi bed head

I’ve been a busy bee peeps! Time to review some more hair products, despite my ❤ for Thalgo!!! 😉

TIGI’s Bed Head is a hair wax which has been around for a long time… I used to use it when I had really short hair in high school (hmm, that’s a while ago now!) and I loved it! You can get it at places like Price Attack and Hairhouse Warehouse, not just at hairdressing salons here in Australia. Here I’m getting my boyfriend’s thoughts on the product which he has been using for some time (along with the KEVIN.MURPHY reviewed earlier this month).

tigi bed head image

S) What led you to buy this product?
R) My hairdresser recommended it to me in the beginning, but then I went on to buy it at least 4 times as I really like it.

S) How much was it and where can you get it?
R) $32.95 (AUD), from hairdressing salons. (S – readers please see my comments above – it’s likely to be cheaper if you don’t get it from the hairdresser!)

S) What do you like about it?
R) It’s in a stick form so it’s easy to apply to your hair and you get less of the product stuck on your hands later, compared to other waxes and styling products.

S) What don’t you like about it?
R) As it is a stick, when you get towards the end it is tricky to apply it to your hair.

S) Would you buy it again?
R) Sure, as I said earlier I’ve bought it several times!

S) Any other comments on this one?
R) It lasts a long time, it takes several months to use it all up.

S) What would you rate the product out of 5 for quality, and for value for money?
R) Quality I’d give a 4/5, and value 4/5.


Hi everyone…. It’s Thursday, only 1 sleep till the weekend is about to start!  🙂

Interesting post title, huh? 😉

Well I promised there’d be reviews about products for men, too, and here we go… I realise that there are also products that both guys and girls use, and so I could review those myself,  but I thought it would also be good to get a bloke’s perspective on products too.

So, I’ve enlisted my boyfriend as an assistant reviewer, and his reviews are done in an interview format – me (S) interviewing him (R). Any feedback on how you find this as a reader is very welcome – please comment! 🙂

KEVIN.MURPHY STICKY.BUSINESS is a hair wax described as a “matte texturiser” with “firm hold” by the manufacturer, as you can see here:

kevin.murphy photo1


S) What led you to buy this product?
R) My hairdresser recommended it to me.

S) How much was it and where can you get it?
R) $35.95 (AUD), from hairdressing salons.

S) What do you like about it?
R) The fragrance is good it smells like lemons. Also the product is firm hold so my hair stays in place all day, and it is soft which makes it easy to apply.

S) What don’t you like about it?
R) Nothing really.

S) Would you buy it again?
R) No I’d probably try another product, as I like to try different ones.

S) Any other comments on this one?
R) It does seem to be suited to really short hair (1-2 inches) only so I’d only recommend it to those with hair that is really short.

S) What would you rate the product out of 5 for quality, and for value for money?
R) Quality I’d give a 4/5, and value 3/5.

Thought I’d also include another pic of this product so you can get an idea of what the wax actually looks like:

kevin.murphy photo2

















Have a great Friday all! 🙂


May 2024




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