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White Glo Take 2 – White Glo Express Whitening System kit

You might recall when I tried White Glo’s Tea & Coffee Drinker’s formula whitening toothpaste and had considered the jury out. Well, a few months down the track I don’t think the whiteness of my teeth is any better than when I started! 😦 However, my boyfriend tried out White Glo’s Express Whitening System product at around the same time, which seems to be a much stronger formulation. So I chatted to him about his experiences with the product.

R's teeth on Day 1...

... and on Day 8!

S) What led you to buy this product?
R) I had been using Colgate’s whitening toothpastes for a while but wanted to see if other products would make my teeth whiter, so I decided to try it.

S) How much was it and where can you get it?
R) approximately $15 AUD, if I remember right… I bought it a few months ago now!

S) What do you like about it?
R) I thought it was relatively easy to use.

S) What don’t you like about it?
R) The first few times you use the trays, you have to soften them with hot water and they don’t fit very snugly around your teeth, which means they can be uncomfortable to wear.

S) Do you think it worked for you?
R) Yes when using it regularly (S – he was using it daily for several weeks). However I don’t think it was better, in the end, compared to my usual Colgate whitening toothpaste.

S) Would you buy it again?
R) Yes if my teeth start to discolour in the future.

S) Any other comments on this one?
R) It definetly works.

S) What would you rate the product out of 5 for quality, and for value for money?
R) Quality I’d give a 4/5, and value 4/5 – it was very cheap compared to seeing the dentist to get your teeth whitened!

*Note: The packaging on this product recommends that it is not used by pregnant women or those who have sensitive teeth or gums.


Has anyone else tried this kit? Did it work for you? Feel free to share your own teeth whitening stories and recommended products! 😀

PS. Sorry for the so/so quality pics readers, I took these before getting my new camera! 😦


January 2012




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